Erandy Vergara Vargas curates, teaches, and writes on contemporary and media art. Born in Mexico City, based in Treaty Six Territory. More info

Category: news

  • Exhibition: Eco(Systems) of Hope

    Exhibition: Eco(Systems) of Hope

    MTL Connect Exhibition @Anteism Books [Montreal] October 18-30, 2022 Curator: Erandy Vergara-Vargas MTL Connect’s 2022 Art Programme engages the present ecological moment and creative imaginaries for the future. From October 18th to the 30th, 2022, local and international artists and researchers explore hope, a powerful stimulus for rethinking relationality, community-building and multi-species survival on Earth.

  • Exhibition: Pavitra Wickramasinghe – La mer / In a blue while

    Exhibition: Pavitra Wickramasinghe – La mer / In a blue while

    DRAC (Drummonville) Exhibition: July 9 – August 28 2022 Curator: Erandy Vergara-Vargas Do you remember the first time you saw the ocean? Or do you remember what it is like to return to a coast and observe the sea expanding before your eyes? What does your memory sound like? Does it have a smell? Do…

  • Book Launch + Round table: In The Age Of Machine Learning + Sensing Machines: How Sensors Shape Our Everyday Life

    Book Launch + Round table: In The Age Of Machine Learning + Sensing Machines: How Sensors Shape Our Everyday Life

    Book Launch + Round Table + Exhibition May 24 2022 Anteism Books [Montreal] Authors Christopher Salter and Sofian Audry got together to discuss their recent publications, respectively, “Art in the Age of Machine Learning” (MIT Press, 2021) and “Sensing machines: How sensors shape our everyday life” (MIT Press, 2022). Round table with authors Christopher Salter,…

  • Exhibition: Katherine Melançon | Night Blossoms

    Patel Brown Gallery [Toronto] Exhibition: May 14 – June 18 2022 “In Night Blossoms, Montreal-based artist Katherine Melançon invites us to see nature as living and blooming everywhere, close to us, and never separated from culture or technology. The body of work presented here started more than ten years ago, when the artist lived in…

  • Conférences ICI : Quand « être-ensemble » est au centre et non aux marges de la pensée et de l’action

    Conférences ICI : Quand « être-ensemble » est au centre et non aux marges de la pensée et de l’action

    Conférence par : Erandy Vergara Programme ICI à la Fondation de l’UQAM [online/en ligne] February 2/ 2 février 2022 Lors de sa conférence, Erandy Vergara discutera des enjeux éthiques du commissariat. Elle présentera les méthodologies, stratégies et politiques liées à la présentation des arts médiatiques dans un contexte international. 

  • Some Metaverse: Artist Talk and Q&A with Olia Lialina / SIGHT + SOUND 2021

    Some Metaverse: Artist Talk and Q&A with Olia Lialina / SIGHT + SOUND 2021

    Eastern Bloc, Sight + Sound Festival [Online] Artist talk and Q&A with Olia Lialina and Erandy Vergara August 25 2021 Exhibition: June – August 2021 For decades, net art forerunners had explored the internet, a space like no other, where gravity is irrelevant, and references such as vertical/horizontal, bidimentional and three-dimensional are outdated. Olia Lialina,…

  • Some Universe: Internet Spaces in a Postdigital World

    Some Universe: Internet Spaces in a Postdigital World

    Eastern Bloc, Sight + Sound Festival [Online] June – August 2021 “Imagine you are falling. But there is no ground,” wrote Hito Steyerl in The Wretched of the Screen (2012). I often dream about that. I’ve also daydreamed that I would love to experience an artwork defying Cartesian space, linear perspective and figurativism – where…

  • Womxn in Immersive Tech | Meetup #3, with Tamiko Thiel, Tosca Terán & Erandy Vergara

    Womxn in Immersive Tech | Meetup #3, with Tamiko Thiel, Tosca Terán & Erandy Vergara

    Goethe Institut Montréal [Virtual Reality meetup] November 20 2020 A Virtual Reality meetup series for women and gender-marginalised people in the field of immersive technology. This meetup focused on topics related to the Goethe-Institut Montreal’s project New Nature, an international exchange between contemporary artists, filmmakers, immersive and VR creators, technologists, and climate scientists from Canada,…

  • How ISEA2020 in Montreal evolved from the physical to the virtual

    How ISEA2020 in Montreal evolved from the physical to the virtual

    On the eve of the opening of ISEA2020 in Montreal, Makery spoke to Erandy Vergara, Programming Director and Artistic Co-Chair of this year’s edition. ISEA2020 will be online from October 13-18, 2020…